- Objectives, Strategy, Pathway
- Community Level Coaching Course
- Level 1 Coach Certification
- Level 2 Coach Certification
- Revalidation of Coaches Scheme
- Accredited Coach Education Program
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- Continuing Professional Development Courses
- World Triathlon Coach Facilitators
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Development course page
Basic Information
Course Language: English
Facilitator: Istvan Jankov (HUN),Mahdi Mnif (TUN)
Contact: Winston D. C. Crowther, NF president
Course Venue: Port Loko
About the course
The course is funded by the IOC Olympic Solidarity, not open for international participation.
Important dates
Application Deadline: 27.03.2023
Start of the World Triathlon Education & Knowledge Hub (online phase): 10.04.2023
Pre-course tasks (online) 30 % deadline: 24.04.2023
Pre-course tasks (online) 50 % deadline: 08.05.2023
First day of onsite course: 08.05.2023
Last day of onsite course: 12.05.2023
Post-course tasks (online) deadline: 22.05.2023
About the World Triathlon Coaches Level 1 Education
This qualification is an introduction to coaching triathlon. It has been specifically designed to provide candidates with the principles and practices of safe and ethical coaching of triathlon sessions to youth, junior and adult recreational participant groups, using the activities provided through this course programme, equipping coaches with the necessary skills and resources to start coaching straight away.
At Level 1 the focus is on three key aspects:
• WHAT to coach (knowledge and skills);
• HOW to coach these concepts to best enable athletes to develop;
• WHO is being coached, understanding the athlete to enable better coaching to take place.
Role description
World Triathlon Level 1 coaches will be able to plan, deliver, review basic triathlon sessions, ideally under supervision of more qualified coaches to guide their coaching practice and development.
Target Audience
Individuals who display the following attributes:
• Desire and aptitude for coaching, with a passion for helping and supporting others;
• Willingness and open-mindedness to learn new skills;
• Ability to participate in the course fully and complete all required assessment;
• Commitment to fulfilling the roles and responsibilities expected of an World Triathlon Level 1 Triathlon Coach;
• Potential to make a positive impact on Triathlon Coaching and Development in their region;
• Agree to abide by the World Triathlon coaches Code of Ethics.
Entry Requirements
Coaches should be able to demonstrate the following in their application:
• Active Coach, already be an active coach or have access to start coaching immediately following the course;
• Recommendation by local NF and commitment to develop coaching skills;
• Be at least 18 years of age at the start of the course programme;
• Demonstrate a high level of spoken and written skills in the language the course will be delivered in;
• Attend 100% of the course;
• Ability to complete all online tasks, will require access to a computer and internet access to the World Triathlon Education & Knowledge Hub before, during and after the face to face element of the course;
• It is strongly recommended that candidates have appropriate insurance cover before undertaking any independent coaching practice;
• Completion of application form.
The application process and selection should be completed a minimum of six weeks prior to the course commencing to allow coaches to familiarise themselves with content.
Once accepted onto the course, learners will:
• be issued with an World Triathlon Education Hub password and username;
• complete pre-course induction material, which explains requirements to complete the course; • sent a welcome message from Facilitators, introducing themselves and encouraging engagement with the course;
• be required to complete online pre-course tasks and assignments within two weeks of being entered onto the education hub system. Failure to do this, may result in the participant being removed from the course.
For more information on World Triathlon Coaches Education please visit the following pages
Coach Education Objectives, Strategy, Pathway https://www.triathlon.org/development/coach/coach_education_objectives_strategy_pathway
Coach Development Pathway - Overview of Courses
Level 1 Triathlon Coach - Curriculum Document & Schedule
Coach Education Documents