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Development course page
Basic Information
Course Language: English
Facilitator: Dag Oliver (NOR)
Contact: Zeljko Bijuk (CRO), ETU Development Coordinator
Course Venue: Belgrade
About the course
About the ITU Technical Officials Level 1 Education
The one day and a half course provides the participants with the theoretical and practical training required to make them capable of officiating at National Events as a Technical Delegate and at Continental events as a Technical Official.
For more information on ITU Technical Officials’ Education please visit the following page:
A note on gender equity
The ITU is dedicated providing equal opportunities to both genders in all aspects. Please remember that this year ITU Development had introduced the gender quota (minimum 25% of the participants must be female) at Technical Officials Level 1 courses. If the 25% minimum is not obtained, the number of participants must be reduced until it is attended.
Local information
Host hotel: Hotel “Šumadija”, Sumadijski trg 8, 11000 Beograd
Website: http://www.hotelsumadija.com/en/
Travel information
Closest airport: Belgrade
Local transportation: will be provided
Visa requirements contact: Simo Cickovic, simo.cickovic@gmail.com