2022 Asia Triathlon Cup Ipoh

Closest Airport
Ipoh Airport (15 minutes to Travelodge Ipoh Hotel (HQ Hotel)
Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) (2.5hours to Ipoh)
Please liaise with our contact person below to plan your travel/transfers from airport to hotel or race venue accordingly.
International participants who are joining the camp after the race, please coordinate with Dr Alex to make arrangements for transfers.
Dr Alex Khoo
+60 14 252 6828
Host Hotel
Please contact our liaison below for negotiated rates/packages for the event. Links to the hotels are provided for your reference.
Dr Alex Khoo
+60 14 252 6828
Suggested hotels:
Travelodge Ipoh (HQ Hotel) Travelodge Ipoh | Official Website - https://travelodgeipoh.com-malaysia.com
MH Hotel Ipoh MH Ipoh - https://www.mhhotels.com.my
Symphony Suites Symphony Suites – Official Website – https://www.symphonysuiteshotel.com