Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Aeropuerto Internacional José Joaquín de Olmedo (airport code GYE)
Salinas Access from Guayaquil by car through highway of 160 km (2 hours), the TRIFED
with previous confirmation, depending on the athletes´ arrival it can be coordinated
Deadline: 15th. june, 12h00 the the e-mail juramo51@yahoo.es,
Host Hotel
Blue Bay Hotel, located in Malecón of Salinas in front of the spring.
Price: $ 60
http://www.bluebayhotelsalinas.com – ventas@bluebayhotelsalinas.com - +593979548755
Hotel Partner:
Chipipe Caridí Hotel, located 200 mtrs. from the transition zone.
Price: $ 40
http://www.facebook.com/hotelcaridi - 593-42770554 - 593-994361983
El Marinero Hotel, located 400 mtrs. from the transition zone.
Valor referencial: $ 35
http://www.hotelelmarinero-salinas.com/ - +59399952748
Amira Hotel, located 300 mtrs. from the transition zone.
http://www.hotel-amira.com/ - +59342770701 - 0980875453