Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Edmonton International Airport
Airport Transportation
* All athletes entered in the Junior Nationals receive free transportaion to and from Edmonton International Aiport. Athletes and their bikes will take the Sky Shuttle service.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: To take advantage of this service, athletes MUST BOOK IN ADVANCE by contacting us at Please include: your flight arrival times, how many people are accompanying you, and where you will be staying.
Family members, coaches and fans will be able to travel with the athletes but will be charged $15 for a one-way ticket or $25 for a return fare.
Athletes traveling alone and who have language difficulties should contact the LOC for assistance.
Transportation between Lister Hall and the Westin Hotel
Lister Hall is located on the U of A campus, about one kilometre from Hawrelak Park. The athlete briefing and pre-race pasta party takes place at the Westin Hotel in downtown Edmonton. Transportation will be provided on Friday June 22 to and from the Westin as follows:
Friday, June 22 : 3:30 p.m. -Bus will depart Lister Hall for athlete briefing at the Westin Hotel
Friday, June 22 : 8 p.m.- Bus will depart (after pasta party) Westin Hotel for Lister Hall
Race-day transportation:
Athletes can ride their bike into the park or take the shuttle bus located across the street and the University Stadium parking.
Athletes receive free transportation on Edmonton transit and LRT service with their athlete accreditation
Host Hotel
The University of Alberta at Lister Hall will be the official accommodation venue for the PATCO Championships.
The LOC for the PATCO Junior Championship will offer free double occupancy accommodation for the top 2 men and top 2 women from each nation.
A meal service will be available at the University of Alberta.
Booking Information
Lister Hall
Campus of the University of Alberta
Single Room $39/day, Double room $49/day
Reservations: Email -
*Room will be released after June 1st: reserve early!