Debbie Tanner is a 27-year-old triathlete who has been consistently performing internationally over the last 5 years. Competing at the Olympics in Beijing 2008 for the first time, and achieving 10th place, reinforced her ambition of striving to be the best triathlete in the world and for an Olympic gold medal in London 2012. Debbie has a long history of success starting out in triathlons at the age of eleven in the Weetbix Tryathlon, she has proven her tenacity breaking onto the international scene in 2006 with a 4th placing at the Melbourne Commonwealth Games, winning and making podiums at World Cup events.
The last two years have been a massive learning curve: An Olympic Games under her belt, a newly formed International World Series which focused on consistent performance through out the year. Changes in the sport which have proven successful, made it more accessible through live international coverage, which is creating a more competitive faster and more exciting sport. There can be no off days now… be on, or your out, on race day.