Sara Mclarty

Athlete's Profile

United States
World Triathlon Athlete ID: 5521

Rankings & Stats

Starts 47
Podiums 6
Wins 1


2007 -
7th Australian Nationals
2nd New Zealand Nationals
4th USA Nationals
9th Vancouver WC
17th Hy-Vee WC
6th Edmonton WC

2006 -
16th Ishigaki WC
3rd Honolulu ITU
3rd Escape from Alcatraz
2nd USA Elite Nationals
U23 National Champion
17th Corner Brook WC
2nd Bridgeport ITU
16th Tiszaujvaros WC
1st World Aquathlon Championships
11th U23 World Championships

2005 -
5th St. Anthony’s,
5th Tempe ITU,
11th Escape from Alcatraz,
11th NYC ITU,
11th USA Pro Nationals (2nd U23 Nationals),
10th Chicago Tri,
9th U23 World Championships
USAT Rookie of the Year

4 year collegiate swimmer…University of Florida: 15 time All-American…qualified for 2004 Olympic Swimming Trials in 6 events: 4th place in 400m Freestyle…qualified for 2004 World Championship SCM: 2nd place in 400m Freestyle…3rd place in 2004 5K Open Water World Championships…4th place in 2005 5K, 11th place in 10K Open Water World Champs

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