Pos First Name Last Name YOB Country Start
Time Run
T1 Bike
T2 Run
1 Warwick Sinclair 1964 AUS 2220 02:07:01 00:39:00 00:01:02 01:06:17 00:00:43 00:20:01
2 Steven Scott 1963 GBR 2236 02:11:59 00:40:37 00:01:14 01:07:39 00:01:06 00:21:25
3 William Yonge 1961 GBR 2237 02:14:43 00:39:17 00:01:03 01:13:34 00:00:49 00:20:01
4 Grzegorz Kado 1963 POL 2242 02:16:04 00:41:57 00:00:59 01:09:17 00:01:04 00:22:49
5 Geoff Breese 1964 AUS 2213 02:16:07 00:45:42 00:01:18 01:05:08 00:01:01 00:23:01
6 Kevin Nicholas 1964 GBR 2235 02:18:04 00:41:05 00:01:01 01:11:47 00:01:03 00:23:10
7 Kevan Hinett 1964 GBR 2232 02:18:29 00:40:38 00:01:15 01:13:58 00:01:13 00:21:27
8 Kevin Gallagher 1964 CAN 2223 02:18:58 00:43:04 00:01:00 01:09:21 00:01:13 00:24:22
9 Alex Finlay 1960 AUS 2217 02:20:05 00:44:05 00:01:32 01:10:06 00:01:36 00:22:46
10 Darryl Brown 1964 AUS 2214 02:20:42 00:44:39 00:01:15 01:09:55 00:01:34 00:23:21
11 Adrian Feasby 1964 GBR 2231 02:21:04 00:44:38 00:01:11 01:10:31 00:01:07 00:23:40
12 Andrew Wood 1963 AUS 2222 02:21:10 00:44:31 00:01:00 01:09:28 00:01:26 00:24:47
13 John Delaney 1964 AUS 2216 02:21:15 00:43:42 00:01:43 01:09:47 00:01:16 00:24:48
14 Emmet Gathright 1963 USA 2245 02:24:57 00:45:09 00:01:18 01:10:45 00:01:27 00:26:19
15 Roger Spice 1961 NZL 2241 02:25:11 00:45:40 00:01:28 01:13:39 00:01:08 00:23:18
16 Harry Heekeng 1961 FRA 2228 02:25:38 00:43:21 00:01:00 01:16:54 00:01:15 00:23:11
17 Dave Scott 1962 NZL 2240 02:28:00 00:44:55 00:00:57 01:17:25 00:01:04 00:23:41
18 Robert Myler 1964 GBR 2234 02:28:29 00:46:11 00:01:19 01:12:42 00:01:12 00:27:07
19 Peter Chislett 1964 AUS 2215 02:30:13 00:47:45 00:00:58 01:13:27 00:01:23 00:26:42
20 Jerry Brown 1964 USA 2244 02:30:35 00:44:40 00:01:06 01:16:12 00:01:30 00:27:08
21 Brendan Wenke 1960 AUS 2221 02:30:54 00:45:11 00:01:45 01:18:48 00:01:47 00:23:24
22 Mark Murphy 1961 GBR 2233 02:32:31 00:47:55 00:01:11 01:15:11 00:01:05 00:27:11
23 Julio Morales 1963 USA 2247 02:32:50 00:45:10 00:01:54 01:19:44 00:01:49 00:24:14
24 Tim Batt 1961 AUS 2212 02:33:07 00:50:48 00:01:44 01:14:24 00:01:39 00:24:34
25 James Ballantine 1964 USA 2243 02:34:05 00:50:30 00:01:44 01:14:28 00:02:11 00:25:14
26 Eric Gallant 1960 CAN 2224 02:35:10 00:46:47 00:01:02 01:18:01 00:01:27 00:27:55
27 Steve Dickens 1964 GBR 2230 02:36:59 00:53:01 00:01:24 01:12:31 00:02:21 00:27:45
28 Kevin Ayre 1963 GBR 2229 02:40:36 00:48:07 00:00:53 01:22:08 00:00:56 00:28:34
29 Yves Lévesque 1960 CAN 2225 02:53:09 00:56:48 00:01:35 01:25:02 00:01:33 00:28:13
30 Don McArthur 1961 AUS 2219 02:53:32 01:02:07 00:00:59 01:18:58 00:01:20 00:30:10
31 Dean Rees 1964 NZL 2239 03:10:57 01:03:39 00:02:11 01:27:05 00:02:07 00:35:56
32 Robert Gee 1961 USA 2246 03:12:08 01:02:12 00:01:34 01:31:42 00:01:31 00:35:11
Program Details
Air temp: 19.7°C
Run 1 9.79km (4 laps)
Bike 38.8km (2 laps)
Run 2 5km (2 laps)
Head Referees
Micheal Wise/AUS
Competition Jury
Ross Capill/NZL, Miles Stewart/AUS, Toby keegan/AUS
Program Notes

Technical Delegate: Ross Capill/NZL
Athlete #2221 Wenke/AUS served a time penalty of 2 minutes during the bike segment.