World Triathlon looking for hosts of the Development Regional Cup events

World Triathlon is pleased to announce the activation of a new level of events, the Development Regional Cups, previously called Development Events, aimed to grow the sport in certain regions and that will allow only the participation of athletes only from Developing National Federations from Groups: 2-3B-3A in the World Triathlon NFs Survey. 

World Triathlon is working closely with all Continental Confederations to present bids for hosting these events, that are considered in the World Triathlon Ranking and will give the winner of the race a maximum of 125 points with the applicable reduction of the sprint distance.

For competing on these Cups, Athletes’ eligibility is as of #250 in the World Triathlon Ranking and higher. That level should be set as of 31 December of the previous year. All athletes will have to be between 16 and 23 years old, and all events will be run under the sprint distance -750m swim - 20km bike - 5km run-. Each invited National Federation should send a minimum one male and one female athlete, accompanied by one national coach.

Participation requirement is a minimum of 4 National Federations and minimum of 15 athletes per gender attending the event. A host nation can nominate a maximum of 10 male and 10 female athletes. If the minimum NF participation criteria are not achieved, the event will not carry World Triathlon Ranking points. Invited National Federations are allowed to enter more athletes at their own cost.

These events are part of the overall strategy of providing more opportunities for athletes from developing countries to compete head-to-head at the international level, and also for National Federations to host events and prepare their officials, coaches and infrastructures to be involved on top level events. The Development Regional Cups will provide racing experience in their continent/region to these athletes and will create a competitive environment among their athletes to help inspire their future careers.

Click here for more details of the Development Regional Cup along with the Branding Guidelines of such events.
