Equally Inspiring - Triathlon Ireland’s Women in Sport Strategy 2017-2021
In the summer of 2017, Triathlon Ireland launched its ‘Equally Inspiring’ initiative - a four-year strategy to empower women through the sport of triathlon.
Triathlon has one of the highest female participation rates of all endurance sports in Ireland, with the number of women and girls taking part in our sport increasing by a massive 83% in the past four years. But with female members making up 34% of the community of triathletes in Ireland, women and girls remain under-represented in our sport.
The main pillars of Equally Inspiring strategy are:
• Participation by encouraging and providing opportunities for women and girls to become involved in triathlon.
• Leadership Development by developing strong leadership networks and initiatives that will empower women. The ITU recognises the important role that ‘builders’ play in empowering women through sport and with this in mind, part of Triathlon Ireland’s strategy focuses on Technical Officials (TO’s), Race Organisers and Volunteers.
• Coaching by creating a female mentor scheme and network aimed at encouraging more women into coaching and the launch of a women-only coach training programme.
As an example of the strategy in action, Triathlon Ireland has appointed additional women to its Technical Committee, which now has a female majority. New terms of reference have also been developed to ensure that there is always gender equality on the panel at all times.
Find out more about Triathlon Ireland’s Equally Inspiring female participation strategy