ITU has opened the process to nominate a new Athletes Committee for the next two-year term. Nominations can be sent until September 6, 2018.
The role of athletes in the decision-making process of ITU has been a fundamental principle of ITU since its creation in Avignon, France, 1989. The inclusion of elected athletes on the ITU Executive Board has strengthened the role of the athletes and is an integral part of the continued success as an International Federation striving to be athlete-centred.
The committee is composed of ten (10) members (5 men x 5 women), being at least from three continents, with a maximum of two Paratriathletes from each gender and from two different continents.
Candidates can be self-nominated, and may be any athlete who has had points on the ITU Points List or ITU Paratriathlon Points List within the past four years. Similarly, any athlete who has had points on the ITU Points List or ITU Paratriathlon Points List within the past four years can vote in this process.
Athletes have from now until September 6, 2018 at midnight to nominate candidates for the positions. On September 7, nominations will be published on the ITU website.
The online voting will take place from Monday, 20 September to Monday, 29 October, and the voting will be anonymous and secure to ensure only one vote per elite athlete.
The results of the elections for the Athletes’ Committee will be announced via a news release on on Tuesday, 30 October.
The roles and responsibilities of the Athlete’s Committee include:
1. Elect one representative of the ITU Athletes’ Committee to be a voting member of the ITU Executive Board.This requires a significant commitment to take part in the regular governance of ITU, virtually and in person at ITU meetings etc.
2. Have the right to attend the annual Congress of ITU where the Athletes’ Committee has two votes.
3. Obtain and synthesize views of athletes on a range of matters relevant to them by consulting across the spectrum of eligible athletes.
4. Speak at athletes’ briefings and field questions about various topics to discuss amongst the Athletes’ Committee and / or pass these concerns onto the relevant person for action.
5. Meet physically as a group once a year and virtually when required as the whole group or in smaller groups, as necessary.
6. Act as liaison between the athletes, the ITU staff and the Executive Board on key issues.
7. Form a subcommittee to interact with the Paratriathlon Committee and relevant staff on key matters relating to the classification project, rankings, event format, and Paralympic matters.
8. Have an opportunity to be nominated to attend the annual IOC Olympians forum and/or any equivalent for the IPC Paralympians.
For more information and nomination forms, click here.