Monterrey Schedule Change

by Fergus Murray on 19 Feb, 2010 02:06

Monterrey World Cup and YOG Qualifier Update for athletes and coaches

World Cup
Please be advised of a schedule change to athletes and coaches briefing in Monterrey. Due to the scheduling of the YOG races on Friday we have had to make a one-time only change to the Elite Athlete Briefing.

The briefings will now take place on Saturday April 17
Coaches Briefing 12.00 noon
Athletes Briefing: 1.00 pm

At this time we would also like to remind all athletes of the modifications to the Competition Rules as per Rules 2.6.c.(iii). The following penalties apply to athletes who miss the briefing: Athletes not attending the briefing, without informing the TD about their absence, will be removed from the start list; Athlete not attending the briefing, but who have informed the TD about their absence, will be reallocated to the last position on the pre-start line up; For the World Championship Series or Triathlon World Cup events, if an athlete misses more than two briefings in a calendar year, they will be removed from the start list for the third missed briefing and each missed briefing thereafter;

YOG Qualifier
Thursday April 15th at 4.00 pm: Coaches Briefing
Thursday April 15th at 5.00 pm: Athletes Briefing
Friday April 16th at 5.00 pm: Men’s YOG Race
Friday April 16th at 6.30 pm: Women’s YOG Race
Saturday April 17th at 4.00 pm: YOG Relay Briefing for Coaches
Sunday April 18th at 7.20 am: YOG Relay Race

Please note that the YOG Relay Race is a fun competition, there is no limit on the number of teams the NF may enter and mixed federation teams will be allowed to participate. This race is intended to provide a good practice opportunity for the YOG athletes heading to Singapore

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