by World Triathlon Admin on 31 Mar, 2008 12:00


The 2008 Ameland ETU Cross Triathlon European Championships will take place in the Netherlands, on the Wadden sea Island of Ameland. The championship races will take place on Saturday the 13th of September 2008 while the regular race will take place on Sunday the 14th of September. Because of the strong tide in the Wadden sea it is not possible to have all the races on one day. The organisation has prepared a three day programme ( Starting with a opening ceremony on Friday evening.

The championships consists of a 1500 meter swim in the Wadden sea followed by a mountainbike course of 35 kilometres which takes the participants through the polder, dunes, forests and over the sandy beach. The race ends with a 12 kilometre run through dunes, forest and over the beach.
The race has three start waves, elite men, elite women and age group.

Other activities
The European championships are part of a Cross triathlon event that exists already for 6 years and has become the biggest cross triathlon of the Netherlands, attracting more than 350 participants in 2007. Next to the European championships there is on Saturday afternoon a race for children up to 14 years. While they swim in a swimming pool they Will finish at the same place as the European champion! Many children of athletes participate in this race.

On Sunday there is the race for those athletes who did not qualify for the elite race or the could not participate in the age group. Except for the normal distance there will be also a shorter distance (500-20-6) and the opportunity to participate as a team (trio).

Registration information
Every National Federation has the right to enter eight (8) athletes per gender to the European Championships.
Every National Federation has the right to enter twenty (20) athletes per 5-year age category per gender to the European Championships.Important: In all cases the National Federation takes the decision about an individual athletes participation.

For the sake of clarity: all athletes need to officially register through their own National Federation. However, the organization committee would very much appreciate if you would also register directly with them through the online registration system. By way of this parallel registration the organization committee will have a up to date overview of the registration status. As a service to the athletes the organization committee will forward the registration data to the National Federations. Only after the permission by the NFs has been received, an invoice will be sent to the athletes.
Pre-registration through the website ( )is possible until August 31 2008. A condition for registration is that you have read and agree with the competition rules. The competition rules can be found on the ETU website (

Background information
The cross triathlon on Ameland started with a try-out in 2002 with 37 participants. In later years the event steadily grew. The organisation was granted the organisation of the Ducth Cross Triathlon Championships in 2004, 2005 and 2006. The last years more than 300 people participated. More than 150 volunteers ensure the smooth running of the organisation.

The Championships are supported by numerous sponsors, both local and international, main sponsors for 2008 are Wagenborg shipping (the company that runs the ferry services to the island and a major shipping company) and Coca Cola/Aquarius (known from the sodas and sport drinks). Furthermore the province of Frysln and the local tourist promotion board significantly contribute to the event. Other sponsors are Restaurant Paal 13, Vishandel Metz, Camping Roosdunen, Camping Duinoord and Frisse Wind Events.

The island Ameland
Ameland is one of the islands in the Wadden Sea which extents from the Netherlands through Germany on to Denmark. Mudflats with seals, rich birdlife and many rare plants can be found in this unique area which is nominated to become one of the UNESCO world heritage sites. The varying scenery on the island makes it an unique setting for sports events. After the exercise one can relax in one of the four picturesque villages on the island.
Ameland welcomes half a million tourists yearly, many of them repeat visitors. Except for the Dutch also many Germans and Belgians visit the island. They all associate the island with nature, healthy- and active living and hospitality. Ameland is for most a source of energy.
One reaches Ameland by ferry from the village of Holwerd in the North of the province of Friesland. The ferry takes 45 minutes and caries cars as well. By public transport one takes the train to leeuwarden where you can transfer to bus number 66 to Holwerd veerdam /Ameland. On the island there is ample public transport and bicycles can be rented at many places. The Island has a variety of accommodations to choose from, ranging from cheap group hostels to 4 star accommodation.

Media Contact (For more information or pictures please contact):
Sjon de Haan, Media-cordinator Tri-Ambla
e-mail: mobile: +31 619 712 309

Related Event: 2008 Ameland ETU Cross Triathlon European Championships
13 Sep, 2008 • event pageall results
Results: Elite Men
1. Rob Barel NED 02:37:40
2. Paul Embrechts BEL 02:39:16
3. Mikko Vastaranta FIN 02:39:59
4. Rorik Schouten NED 02:40:41
5. Machiel Ittmann NED 02:42:40
Results: Elite Women
1. Ingrid Van Lubek NED 02:58:04
2. Sibylle Matter Bruegger SUI 03:01:01
3. Judy Van Den Berg NED 03:01:20
4. Riikka Vreeswijk-Kelja FIN 03:03:20
5. Maria Czesnik POL 03:04:58
Results: 70-74 Male AG
1. Armin Beyrich GER 05:29:14
Results: 65-69 Male AG
1. Hans Dieben NED 04:37:14
DNF. Stuart Lumb GBR DNF
Results: 60-64 Male AG
1. Henk Knol NED 03:06:12
2. Hans Van Der Linden NED 03:16:54
3. Leo Meewisse NED 03:23:32
4. Jan Van De Pol NED 03:51:49
Results: 55-59 Male AG
1. Frits Riemersma NED 03:03:13
2. Bram Heikamp NED 03:13:20
3. Jan Van Der Heide NED 03:20:21
4. Leo De Hartog NED 03:22:41
5. Paul De Munk NED 03:47:03
Results: 50-54 Male AG
1. Rob Van Zanten NED 02:55:45
2. Ron Hendriks NED 03:02:09
3. Peter Dullaart NED 03:03:29
4. Gerhard Schlüter GER 03:03:41
5. Frank Hamelink NED 03:12:09
Results: 50-54 Female AG
1. Rita Keitmann GER 03:42:25
Results: 45-49 Male AG
1. Hans Leek NED 02:56:01
2. Ruud Schrijver NED 02:58:43
3. Gerrit Jan Bakker NED 03:01:18
4. Dick Vosmeer NED 03:07:41
5. Hessel Kruijer NED 03:08:23
Results: 45-49 Female AG
1. Yvonne Leek NED 03:31:50
2. Cora Mulder NED 03:48:13
DNF. Satu Alavalkama FIN DNF
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