On Saturday 15th July outstanding triathletes will compete in a spectacular race of the youngest Olympic discipline.

Elite athletes coming from Australia , New Zealand, France, Great Britain, Israel and Malta,  are only some of the NFs attending this competition.  15 countries will be at the start of the ITU European Continental Cup of Tarzo.
The race will take place on Saturday 15th July at 13.30 p.m. and represent the most important event of the Prealpi Triathlon Fest.

Yesterday, in addition to the 13 countries already registered (Australia, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Malta, New Zealand, Switzerland and Italy ),  Israel and Slovenia have joint the competition.

In the four previous editions, the Elite Men race of Tarzo awarded foreign athletes: Kahlefeldt from Australia in 2002, Eksteen from South Africa in 2003, Chi Wo Lee in 2004 from Popular Republic of China and Henning in 2005 from Denmark.

In the Elite Women race, we would like to mention Erin Densham from Australia as outsider and Silvia Gemignani, who represented Italy in occasion of the Olimpic games in Sydney and Athens.
Great expectations for Laura Giordano, duathlon star of the organising team Silca Ultralite Triathlon.

In addition to the official race program side events will be organised during the entire week end. The first day of the Prealpi Triathlon Fest will be concluded by fireworks. Athletes and public will enjoy typical food and wine, music on stage and Dragon Boat race.
Do not miss Prealpi Triathlon Fest!

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