# First Name Last Name NOC
1 Mohamed Khenissi TUN
2 Sofienne Selmi TUN
3 Slama Mohamed Amine TUN
4 Karim Moskovic TUN
5 David Ayiro KEN
6 Yassine Gharbi TUN
7 Anthony Njenga KEN
8 Youssef Besbes TUN
9 Garmassi Montassar TUN
10 Adel Saidane TUN
11 Mohamed Rayen Dhifli TUN
12 Adam Boďo SVK
14 Michal Komenda SVK
15 Kiugu Kingori KEN
Race conditions:  21°C |  20°C
Wetsuits: forbidden
Program notes:

Technical Delegate: Catherine Jennings/ZIM.
Athletes #3 Slama/TUN, #6 Yassine/TUN and #9 Garmassi/TUN served a time penalty of 10 seconds in T1.