Friday June 16th
10:30 Transportation from the Ibis La city hotel to Osselle (Registration required *)
11:30 Bike Familiarization
12:30 Swim Familiarization
13:30 Shuttle Departure to the Ibis La City hotel
Auditorium MSHE – 1 rue Charles Nodier
15:30 Entry Fee payment - Cash Only
16:00 Briefing
17:00 Athlete Registration – Race Package
18:00 Athlete Presentation - Charmars
19:00 Ekiden - Charmars
19:30 Pasta Party
Saturday June 17th
11:15 Transportation from the Ibis La City hotel to Osselle (Registration required *)
14:20 Athlete presentation
14:30 World Triathlon Para Cup – 1 st Waves
18:00 Medal Ceremony WTPC
18:30 Shuttle Departure to the Ibis La City hotel
Sunday June 18th
09:00 Distance M Time trial /team (1.5km swim – 38km bike – 10km run)
10:00 Distance S (0.75km swim – 18km bike – 5km run)
12:30 Medal Ceremony Dist. M & S
* Registration Schuttle Bus Besançon
<->Entry Fee : 50 € - Cash only. All athletes will have the Pasta Party offered, additional Pasta Party ticket : 15 €
Athlete Briefing
Auditorium MSHE – 1 rue Charles Nodier
15:30 Entry Fee payment - Cash Only
16:00 Briefing
17:00 Athlete Registration – Race Package