Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, is also the most modern and dynamic metropolis in the Caribbean. The Capital, as it is affectionately called, transmits the pulse of Dominican culture, where the old and the new converge seamlessly, from centuries-old architecture and history to large shopping malls, art galleries, an active and exciting nightlife, and an irresistible food scene.
The Venue is located in the parking lots of the Club for officers of the Navy of the Dominican Republic on the beach of San Souci, in the City of Santo Domingo.
Start Area
The start area is located on the beach of San Souci, in the Club of Officers of the Navy of the Dominican Republic.
Swim Course
The course consists of 1 lap of a 750-meter sprint distance distance in a diamond shape. The water temperature during the first few weeks is expected to be between 24 and 28 C. with winds of 13 to 15 km/h.
Bike Course
Mostly flat. There are 4 laps of 5 km each, Athletes who are lapped will be removed from the Competition. The “First runner, last rider” scenario is possible for this event.
Wheel Station
One-wheel station for Teams will be available. Spare team wheels will be dropped off in the properly marked athlete lounge. The Team Wheel station will be located at the midpoint of the bike segment.
Run Course
Completely flat, with 2 laps for the sprint distance. It begins on the street open with a steep climb at the Club de la Armada de la Republic Dominican exit gate that joins Av. España, the first return located at the Tropigas gas pump, and the second return for the sprint distance. opposite the transition zone.