2022 Africa Triathlon Premium Cup Larache

Closest Airport
Tanger - Ibn Battouta (TNG)
Mounir Benyarmak
Athletes Services Manager and Transportation Services:
Mail: mounirbenyarmak@gmail.com
Phone: +212 611 381 513
The LOC will provide free transportation Jun 24 to Jun 27 only from tanger airport, for the Elite Athletes and ITU Coaches from the airport to hotel and back to the airport.
Please Contact: (triatlon.larache@gmail.com)
Request for Visa invitation letter, you have contact:
Larache Triathlon Association (triatlon.larache@gmail.com)
For the transfer serves, please write (triatlon.larache@gmail.com)
with the following data:
• Arrived Time
• Arrived Airport
• Flight
• Number of person
• Number of bikes
• Hotel Name
• Departure time
• Departure Airport
• Flight
All the transfer requests, need to be confirmed to (triatlon.larache@gmail.com) latest Jun 21th
Host Hotel
Promo Code: TRIALIXUS22@
Booking: resa@lixusbeachresort.com / hbouaffia@lixusbeachresort.com
Tel: 00212 539 916 438
Mob: 00212 0 661 931 127