2020 Puerto Cortes PATCO Sprint Triathlon Panamerican Cup

Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

SAP - Ramon Villeda Morales Airport in San Pedro Sula about 45 minutes from Puerto Cortes. Please give us time to arrange for transportation from the airport to Puerto Cortes or San Pedro Sula for a moderate fee. This will be the safest, and most convenient way for you to arrive to Puerto Cortes.


The organization is working on a low cost and secure transportation option to be announced. Please send us your flight itineraries at lesliepoujol@gmail.com. We are finalizing details and will announce here as soon as we have all the information.

Host Hotel

Hotel Villa del Sol


Other Accommodation

We offer 10 homestays in San Pedro Sula from Wednesday February 12th to the 14th at some of the local athlete’s homes. Athletes requiring homestays will need to secure a hotel room for 2 nights in Puerto Cortes. Transportation from San Pedro Sula to Puerto Cortes will be arranged for those athletes using the homestays. If you need more days outside the dates provided please contact us. For all homestay information please contact:  r_josue03@hotmail.com
