2019 Bled ETU Triathlon Junior European Cup

Friday - 06.09.2019 (Location - Mala Zaka,Bled)
Time Activity
16:00 Swim course familiarization ETU
17:00 Race course familiarization (by bike) ETU junior cup
18:00-19:30 Registration ETU junior cup
19:30 Briefing - race instructions - ETU junior cup
Saturday - 07.09.2019 (Location - Mala Zaka,Bled)
Time Activity
07:00-08:00 Race equipment check ETU junior cup
08:00-08:30 Transition area open ETU junior cup M/W
08:45 ETU junior cup Presentation of competitors in swimming start area
09:00 Start ETU junior cup-women
09:45 Presentation of competitors in swimming start area
10:00 Start ETU junior cup-men
10:50 ETU junior cup race finished
11:00 Award ceremony for ETU junior cup
11:00-11:30 Transition area ETU junior cup must be emptyed