Thursday, 13th of June, Astana Music Hall
14:00 Elite Athlete Press-conference
18:00 Elite Athlete Briefing
19:00 Welcome party
Friday, 14th of June, Astana Triathlon Park
15:00 to 16:00 Elite Bike course familiarization
16:00 to 17:00 Elite Swim course familiarization
19:00 Pasta party - Astana Music Hall
Saturday, 15th of June, Astana Triathlon Park
05:30 to 06:30 Elite Women check-in
07:00 Transition open, Elite Women warm up starting
07:45 Transition closes, Elite Women warm up finishing
07:50 Women Athletes’ introduction
08:00 Elite Women Start
08:30 to 09:30 Elite Men check-in
10:00 Transition open, Elite Men warm up starting
10:45 Transition closes, Elite Men warm up finishing
10:50 Elite Men Athletes’ introduction
11:00 Elite Men Start
13:40 Elite Men & Women Medal Ceremonies
19:00 Gala Diner Astana Music Hall
Athlete Briefing
Athlete briefing will be at 13th of June 2019 at 6pm local time