2017 Soria ETU Duathlon European Championships

Thursday 27th of April
17:00 to 20:00 “Sport Info Center Age Group Registration”
Friday 28st of April
10:00 to 19:30 “Sport Info Center Age Group Registration”
11:30 Age Group Team Managers Briefing
11:30 Press Conference
12:30 ParaTriathlon Briefing
15:30 Elite, U23 and Junior Bike Familiarization
17:00 Junior Briefing
18:00 Elite and U23 Briefing
20:00 Opening Ceremony
Saturday 29nd of April
8:00 to 20:00 Sport Info Center
9:00 Junior Women start
10:00 to 18:00 Age Group Registration
10:30 Junior Men start
11:45 Junior award ceremonies
12:30 Paratriathlon start
15:15 Elite and U23 Women start
15:45 ParaTriathlon Medals Ceremonies
18:00 Elite and U23 Men start
20:15 Elite, U23 and Junior Medals Ceremonies
Sunday 30th of April
6:30 to 8:00 Age Group Sprint bike check in
7:00 to 15:00 Sport Info Center
8:30 to 10:30 Age Group Standard bike check in
8:30 Age Group Sprint (non drafting) | M16-34
8:33 Age Group Sprint (non drafting) | M35-49
8:36 Age Group Sprint (non drafting) | >M50
8:39 Age Group Sprint (non drafting) | F16-39
8:42 Age Group Sprint (non drafting) | >F40
11:15 Age Group Standard (non drafting) | M18-29
11:20 Age Group Standard (non drafting) | M30-39
11:25 Age Group Standard (non drafting) | M40-49
11:30 Age Group Standard (non drafting) | M50-59
11:35 Age Group Standard (non drafting) | >M60
11:40 Age Group Standard (non drafting) | F18-39
11:45 Age Group Standard (non drafting) | F>40
19:00 Closing Ceremony and AG Medals Ceremony
Friday 28st of April
11:00 Age Group Team Managers Briefing
12:00 ParaTriathlon Briefing
17:00 Junior Briefing
18:00 Elite and U23 Briefing