2017 Sarasota CAMTRI Paratriathlon American Championships

Nathan Benderson Park and the Sarasota - Bradenton area are excited to host the 2017 Sarasota CAMTRI Paratriathlon American Championships. Nathan Benderson Park offers an incredible opportunity to showcase a world class venue to the triathlon community. The entire course is set in the park which is conveniently located just off of Interstate I-75 in Sarasota, Florida.
General parking for athletes, spectators, and volunteers will be on the Regatta Island directly adjacent to the main action (athlete tent, registration, transition area, swim start, and the finish line). Parking is $10/vehicle on race weekend.
Classification for athletes with a physical impairment will be offered at this event. Classification will be on Wednesday, March 8, Thursday, March 9, and Friday, March 10th. ALL athletes will need to be reclassified at this event except for PTVI athletes. The classification schedule will be available approximately two weeks before the event. Athletes should contact their National Federation to ensure the appropriate paperwork is on file with ITU prior to classification and to request a classification appointment.
Classification for athletes with a visual impairment will not be offered at this event but provisional documents must be on file with ITU in order to compete. Please contact the ITU Sport Department with questions on classification.
Note: Hand-cycles and racing wheelchairs will be checked after the briefing and stored in a secure location at the venue overnight. Please bring your equipment to the briefing.
For more information about the race please go to http://www.sarasotatri.com.