2017 New Taipei ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup

Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Closest Airport

Event Closest Airport
Taoyuan International Airport(TPE)(2 hours drive to venue) / Taipei Songshan Airport(TSA)(about 1.5 hour drive to the venue)


Event Local Transport
Local Transport will be provided upon request for Elite Athletes.
The price around 45~100US$ per trip with bike, depend car pool headcounts.
Please contact Andrew Tai(Chinese Taipei Triathlon Association),Email: tai620322@hotmail.com for local transportation


Host Hotel

Marina Bay Resort
No.36, Lane 106, Renai Road, Gongliao District, Gongbei District, New Taipei City Taiwan Tel:+886 2 2490-3955
hotel to race venue around 5km

Other Accommodation

