2017 Event Schedule
Friday, March, 31st
08:45 Elite cycle course orientation. One lap of cycle course with Police escort, departing from Ngamotu Beach/transition area.
10:00 – 10.45 Swim course familiarisation with life guard support
17:30 Elite athlete registration at Quality Hotel Plymouth International
18:00 Elite athlete briefing at Quality Hotel Plymouth International
18:30 Elite athlete race pack pickup following briefing
19:00 Pasta Party
Sunday April, 2nd
ITU Elite Women Race Program
09:30 Athlete’s lounge ready for Elite Women
09:30 – 10:30 Elite women check in and registration at Athletes lounge
09:45 - 10:45 Transition Area open for Elite Woman
10:15 - 10:45 Swim warm up for Elite Woman
10:50 Elite Women athlete assembly and introduction in front of Finish Gantry
11:00 Elite Women Race Start
12:15 Estimated course clear of athletes
14:10 Elite Women medal presentations (following Elite Men’s race)
Sunday April, 2nd
ITU Elite Men Race Program
11:15 Athlete’s lounge ready for Elite Men
11:15 - 12:30 Elite Men check in and registration at Athletes lounge
12:15 - 12:45 Transition open for Elite Men
12:15 - 12:45 Swim warm up Elite men
12:50 Elite Men athlete assembly and introductions in front of Finish Gantry
13:00 Elite Men’s Race Start
14:10 Elite Women Medal Presentations
14:20 Elite Men Medal Presentations
19:00 Sunday night social Quality Hotel Plymouth International
Please see event website for full details of the schedule and athlete guide
Athlete Briefing
Friday, March, 31st
5:30pm Elite Athlete Registration
6:00pm Elite Athlete Briefing
Please see event website for full details of the schedule and athlete guide