Friday, 24. juuni
19.00 Athlete briefing for Elite and Juniors racing for ETU points
Saturday, 25. juuni
13.00-19.30 Race center is opened. EXPO
13.00-15.00 Releasing start materials (up to one hour before respective start)
15.00 1. START (children C, D, E)
16.00 2.START (youth B, age groups)
18.00 3. START men (elite and junior) ETU race
18.05 3. START women (elite and junior) ETU race
19.30 Prize giving ceremony
20.00 A concert
Sunday, 26. juuni
8.00-17.00 Race center is opened. EXPO
8.00-11.30 Releasing start materials (up to one hour before respective start)
10.00 4. START (youth A, juniors, veterans 60, 70,80)
12.30 5. START (elite, veterans 40, 50, teams)
16.00 Prize giving ceremony
Athlete Briefing
Friday, 24. juuni 19.00
Athlete briefing for Elite and Juniors racing for ETU points