Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Riga International Airport is 8 km from Riga centre. http://www.riga.airport.com
Taxi with 10 % discount: RED CAB: http://www.redcab.lv. Order a taxi: 8383. Buses for 6 persons.
Airport Express shuttle bus. Departs every 30 minutes. € 5 pp. Reservation can be made by sending the organiser an mail with arrival time and flight number: info@rigatriathlon.eu.
Host Hotel
Official hotel: Radisson Blu Daugava, Kugu iela 24, Riga. Tel. (371)6706 1111. Info.riga@radissonblu.com.
Use this link for a special offer for € 65 per night. Please refer to “European Cup”.
Other hotels: http://www.welton.comelefanthotel, http://www.hotelavalon.eu, http://www.islandehotel.etu.