Thursday 19th February
Celebration of 30th year
6pm – 8pm at The Central Bar on Formby Road. $30 per person
RSVP to Georgia Whelan on 0437 563 034 or georgia@ccsportsandevents.com.au
Friday 20th February
4pm: Registration – Youth and Juniors
5pm: Registration – Elite / U23
5pm: RACE BRIEF – Youth and Junior (Devonport Surf Life Saving Club)
6pm: RACE BRIEF – Elite / U23 (Devonport Surf Life Saving Club)
Saturday 21st February
8 am Youth (13-15) male/female
9.00 am Junior Female (ITU rules)
10.30 am Junior Male (ITU rules)
12.00 pm Elite/U23 Female
2.30 pm Elite/U23 Male
4.30 pm approx. Medal Ceremony
For further information please go to http://devonporttriathlon.com.au
Athlete Briefing
Friday 20th (times to be confirmed)
5:00 pm: RACE BRIEF – Juniors (Devonport Surf Life Saving Club)
6:00 pm: RACE BRIEF – Elites & U23 (Devonport Surf Life Saving Club)
For further information please go to http://devonporttriathlon.com.au