Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Distance from the closest airports:
Brno = 25 kms,
Prague = 200 kms,
Ostrava = 180 kms,
Bratislava (Slovakia) = 120 km,
Vienna (Austria) = 120 kms
From Brno Airport to Hotel Santon (The Centre of the race) and back.
15,- EUR return / 1 person
Note: The fee will be charge at the athlete´s registration.
Host Hotel
(3 stars hotel, 100m from start of the race)
Address: Přístavní 38, 635 00 Brno - Bystrc
Tel.: +420 546 124 444, Fax: +420 546 222 361
Price for 1 night: 45,- Eur / single bedroom
52,- Eur / double bedroom
20,- for an extra bed
Note: Every competitor (or their escort) will book the accommodation on their own and pay at the reception desk on the day of arrival.
Method payments: Cash or credit cards