1.5 km
Beach mass start
Air Temperatura 29c. Humidity 80%
Water temperature:26c
Number of laps:2
Ocean swim with lap exiting the water to buoy on the beach.
40 km
Number of laps: 5
Along the shore of Cabo Branco Beach with a small hills.
10 km
Number of laps: 4
Flat course along Cabo Branco Beach
Elevation: http://www.triathlon.org/uploads/events/Altimetria_do_Jo%C3%A3o_Pessoa_ITU_Pan_American_CUP.png
Check the 2012 event video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFXyHA16btM
And photos from the 2012 event in the Event Gallery: http://www.triathlon.org/events/event/2012_joao_pessoa_itu_triathlon_pan_american_cup
Prize money distribution. Elite men and women:
1st. 1,875 USD
2nd. 1,500 USD
3rd. 1,125 USD
4th. 750 USD
5th. 600 USD
6th. 525 USD
7th. 450 USD
8th. 300 USD
9th. 225 USD
10th. 150 USD