2012 Zofingen ITU Powerman Long Distance Duathlon World Championships

*ENTRY FEE: 260 EUR until 31st July
Stefan Ruf, Race Director
Martin Ryser, Athletes Director
Stephan Aregger, Technical Director
Available in English, French, German, Italian.
No direct online registration for ITU elite and age group categories.
LOC to be provided with list of selected athletes by national federations. No publication of registration before payment is settled.
Latest registration 31st July 2012
1st Run: 10 km
Bike: 150 km
2nd Run: 30 km
1st Run Course:
2 laps of nearly 5 km, 45% paved, 55% unpaved but solid underground. Total height difference 260 m. Crosses transition area after first lap. Drinks and food after 5 and 10 km. Exact distance 9180 m.
Bike Course:
3 laps of 50 km, total height difference 1600 m, steepest part 16% over 100 m. Reccomendes gears 39x23 for string bikers or 39x25. Climbings are rather short, descendings long. Roads are only partially closed to traffic. 2 food and drink station on every lap. Exakt distance 150 km
2nd Run Course:
2 laps on an out and back course. Turning points at km 7.5, km 15 in the transiation/finish area and km 22.5. Climbing at the beginning if each lap. 25% paved, 75 unpaved but solid underground. 40% of the run is in the wood. Last 3 km are heading downhill to the finish line. Drinks and food every 2.5 km. Exact distance 29.200 m.
24th edition of the most prestigious Duathlon of the world.
Side Events
1st Sept:
- PowerKids Duathlon
- Powerman Charity 30 km bike, 5 km run
2nd Sept:
- Powerman Short Distance Duathlon 10-50-5 km
- Powerman Relay
National currency is Swiss Franc. 1 SFR is around 1.10 USD or 0.85 Euro. Most credit cards and payments in Euros are accepted.
Main language is German. English and French are widly spoken.
Weather conditions are normally dry and sunny, temperatures bewtween 20 and 25° Celsius. On colder days it can drop to 15°.
Zofingen is situated half an hour from the Swiss Alps with excellent possibilities for daily trips to the Lucerne area with the famous lake and mountains Rigi, Pilatus, and Titlis. Ask for special fares to Mount Stanserhorn.
Powerman Duathlon World Series events in Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Malaysia, Canarian Islands and USA. More infos: http://www.powerman.org
Prize money distribution. Elite men and women:
1st. 6,250 USD
2nd. 5,000 USD
3rd. 3,750 USD
4th. 2,500 USD
5th. 2,000 USD
6th. 1,750 USD
7th. 1,500 USD
8th. 1,000 USD
9th. 750 USD
10th. 500 USD