2012 Roth ETU Challenge Long Distance Triathlon European Championships

12.00 a.m. - 06.00 p.m. Registration, registration tent Triathlon-Park
08.15 p.m.Nightrun from Hilpoltstein to Roth, Finish Triathlon-Park
06.30 a.m. - 09.00 a.m. 2XU-Swim training in the Europakanal
09.00 a.m. - 09.00 p.m. Registration, Triathlon Park
10.00 a.m. - 12.00 a.m.Accreditation, press centre (Schtzenhaus)
02.00 p.m. - 05.00 p.m.Accreditation, press centre (Schtzenhaus)
05.00 p.m. - 06.00 p.m.Official Welcome-Party city of Roth, Triathlon-Park
06.00 p.m. - 08.00 p.m.Carbo Party, festival tent Triathlon-Park
06.30 a.m. - 09.00 a.m. 2XU-Swim training in the Europakanal
09.00 a.m. - 03.00 p.m. Registration at the registration tent / Triathlon Park
10.00 a.m. - 12.00 a.m. Accreditation at the press centre (Schtzenhaus)
01.00 p.m. - 06.30 p.m. Bike Check-In and Warm-Up Party at the swim start near Hilpoltstein
02.00 p.m. - 05.00 p.m. Accreditation at the press centre
05.00 p.m. Welcome-Party of the fire brigade near by the Festival Hall
06.30 a.m. Start Challenge Roth 2012
TOP 50 Men, TOP 20 women, all athletes elder than 65 years,
all SUB 9
06.40 a.m. fastest age groupers
06.45 a.m. all women
07.00 a.m. Start group 4-12/ at 5-minute intervals
08.40 a.m. start group 13 (relay teams)
08.45 a.m. start group 14 (relay teams)
10.00 a.m. - 09.00 p.m Triathlon Expo at the Festival Hall and Triathlon Park
approx. 02.20 p.m. Arrival of the race winner (male)
approx. 02.49 p.m. Arrival of the race winner (female)
approx. 03.40 p.m. Arrival of the winning relay team
approx. 08.00 p.m.Winners Award Ceremony for the first three trophy relays at the Finish Line
08.00 p.m. Finish-Line Party
11.00 a.m. Winners Award Ceremony Challenge Roth and Challenge German Championship at the festival tent
04.00 p.m. Winners Award Ceremony World Championship for Firefighters at the Roth fire station
06.30 p.m. Volunteers Party at the festival tent
12.00 a.m. Race Meeting (Spanish)
01.00 p.m. Race Meeting (Italian)
05.00 p.m. Race Meeting (French)
06.00 p.m. Race Meeting for individual starters and Challenge German Championship (German and English) at the festival tent