2012 Kupiskis ETU Triathlon Junior European Cup

Note: The admission fee is not refundable!
Note: Every competitor has to pay an extra 10 LT rental for the time chip. This rental will be refundable!

CHILDREN AND VETERANS (will be specified in the nearest future)
250m 8km 2,5 km
Start and Finish - Municipal Beach in Kupikis (Lake Kupikio marios)
Swimming - 250 m (Lake Kupikio marios) 1 lap, Mass start from the water, Water temperature: ~20
Cycling - 8 km 2 laps x 4km Kupikis streets, two sharp hills, one sharp corner. Road traffic closed along the entire route!
Running 2,5 km (1 lap) hilly, no sharp corners, asphalt.

750m 20 km 5 km
Born:1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
Start and Finish - Municipal Beach in Kupikis (Lake Kupikio marios)
Swimming - 750 m (Lake Kupikio marios) 1 lap, mass start from the water, Water temperature: ~20
Cycling - 20 km 5 laps x 4km Kupikis streets, two sharp hills, one sharp corner. Road traffic closed along the entire route!
Running - 5km - 2 laps of 2,5 km hilly, no sharp corners, asphalt.

1500m 40 km 10 km
Start and Finish - Municipal Beach in Kupikis (Lake Kupikio marios)
Swimming - 1500 m (Lake Kupikio marios) 2 laps of 750 m, mass start from the water, after the first lap a short exit from the water, Water temperature: ~20
Cycling - 40 km 10 laps x 4km Kupikis streets, two sharp hills, one sharp corner. Road traffic closed along the entire route!
Running 10 km - 4 laps of 2,5 km - hilly, no sharp corners, asphalt.

On the same day there will be organized also a Baltic triathlon championship for elite men and women. Competition is open for domestic and foreign athletes.  Overall awards will go to the top three male and female finishers in each of the age groups. Lithuanian Championships titles and medals will go to the top three male and female Lithuanian finishers in each of the age groups.


Start List

Useful Information

Event Details

Athlete Information


Event Location
