2012 Guatape ITU Triathlon World Cup

Live stream at http://www.teleantioquia.com.co
1 500 m
Start Mechanism: Pontoon
Water temperature: 19°C
Number of laps: 2
El Lago es una represa. Es posible el uso del traje de Neopreno.
The Lake is one it dams. Is very possible to use wetsuit.
40 km
Number of laps: 4
El ciclismo se hará por carretera pavimentada, en colina, con un recorrido de 5 kms en el primer giro, completando 10 kms en la vuelta completa.
The cycling will be made paved by lorry, in hill, whita journey of 5 kms in the firts turn, completing 10 kms in the complete turn
10 km
Number of laps: 4
La carrera a pie será por el Malecon, en terreno plano, pavimentado. Circuito de 2.5 kms
The Caree ron Foot will be for the pier, in plano land withpavement. A circuit of 2.5 turns
Prize money distribution. Elite men and women:
1st. 6,250 USD
2nd. 5,000 USD
3rd. 3,750 USD
4th. 2,500 USD
5th. 2,000 USD
6th. 1,750 USD
7th. 1,500 USD
8th. 1,000 USD
9th. 750 USD
10th. 500 USD