Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
The flight fee of Istanbul to Elazig and Elazig to Istanbul for maximum 12 persons (10 Athlete, 1 Coach, 1 Team Leader) from each Balkan Countries will be covered from Turkish Triathlon Federation and Governorship of Elazig.
To buy the flight tickets, those persons must sent their detailed informations like name, surname, date of birth and passport number no later then 03 September 2012 to the following email address: triatlonfederasyonu@hotmail.com
Flight Program for flight covered from Turkish Triathlon Federation and Governorship of Elazig is as follow:
Istanbul Ataturk Airport (European Side) – Elazig Airport 07 September 2012
20:10– 21:55
Elazig Airport – Istanbul Ataturk Airport (European Side) 09 September 2012
For participants who wants to cover their flight on their own is the alternative flights as follow:
Istanbul Ataturk Airport (European Side) – Elazig Airport every day
07:00 – 08:45
20:10 – 21:55
Elazig Airport – Istanbul Atatürk Airport (European Side) every day
10:05 – 11:55
22:40 – 00:30
Free transportation will be provided from Elazig Airport to Hotels from Turkish Triathlon Federation and Governorship of Elazig.
Host Hotel
The accommodation fee for maximum 12 persons (10 Athlete, 1 Coach, 1 Team Leader) from each Balkan Countries in full board basis double room for 2 nights will be covered from Turkish Triathlon Federation and Governorship of Elazig.
The prizes of accommodation for persons exceeding this maximum 12 persons are:
Single room full board basis per night : 60 EURO
Double room full board basis per night: 90 EURO
Hotels are:
1- Mavi Gol
Address: Elazig Mavi Gol Otel Guney Koyu / Sivrice / Elazig – TURKEY
Phone: +90 424 425 10 20
2- Turpol
Address: Diyarbakir Yolu 25.km, Hazar Golu, 23900 Sivrice / Elazig – TURKEY
Phone: +90 424 425 11 00
3- Galaksi Tatil Koyu
Address: Diyarbakir Yolu 26.km / Elazig – TURKEY
Phone: +90 424 425 10 23
Other Accommodation