Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
SSR, Plaisance International Airport
Free airport transfers from & to for athletes residing at the Tamassa Hotel (host hotel).
The flights` details should be sent at latest on the 3rd December for free airport transfers at the fmtri@myt.mu.
Free transport including bikes from host hotel to Venue and back.
Host Hotel
Tamassa Hotel
Special triathlon rate for the host hotel is:
Mur: 2,500(89U$) per person per day on half board basis i.e breakfast & dinner included sharing a double bedroom or twin bedroom.
Mur: 4,000(142U$) per person per day on HB basis in a single bedroom.
For special triathlon rate, booking should be made through the Mauritius triathlon Federation(FMTri) by email: fmtri@myt.mu
Method of the hotel payments: Credit card, cash.
Bank details:
The Mauritius Commercial Bank
Sir William Newton St, Port Louis, Mauritius
Account Number: 01-0258604
Swift code: MCBLMUMU
Iban: MU20MCBL0901000000258604000MUR
Other Accommodation