2009 Mekong River ITU Duathlon World Series Event



Thursday 26th
All teams arrival. 
1000 – 1600 Register

Friday 27th
0600 – 14.00 Register
1300 - 1400     Aquathlon, Duathlon and Triathlon Briefing and Bike Inspection for Duathlon and Triathlon

Saturday 28th
0730 – 0800 Duathlon Transition area open and registration
0800    Short briefing before starting
0820     Sprint Duathlon race start
0830     Elite Duathlon race start

08.40    Age group Duathlon race start
1230    Race finished and Award presentation

Sunday 29th
1830 – 2200 Award presentation and Crossing ceremony presentation and Crossing ceremony


Athlete Briefing

Friday 27th
1300 - 1400     Aquathlon, Duathlon and Triathlon Briefing and Bike Inspection for Duathlon and Triathlon
