Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Brno, Vienna, Prague, Bratislava
Air transport. Situated at a distance of 7.5 km from the city-centre, the international airport of the 1st ICAO Category (runway 2 650 m long and 60 m wide) can function even in adverse weather conditions. Thanks to its very good meteorological conditions, the Brno airport is the first stand-by airport for Prague.
The international airports in Prague and Vienna, destinations of most of the world airline companies, are at a 2-hour drive by car from Brno (Prague: 200 km, about 2 hours by car; Vienna: 130 km, about 100 minutes by car. The Bratislava Airport (first stand-by airport for Vienna) is at a 120-km distance from Brno (about 90 minutes by car).
A new modern terminal was built at Brno in 2006.
Railway transport. Situated on the international railway track Balcans-Budapest-Brno-Prague-Berlin-Scandinavia, Brno is an important central-European railway station. Since 1991, the EuroCity trains between Prague and Vienna have been stopping at Brno. The city of Brno has been integrated in the European High-Speed Rail Network Project.
Brno is a city at the heart of Europe. Consequently, the transport accessibility of the city from all over Europe poses no problem.
Road transport. Brno is situated at the crossroads of the D1 (Prague-Brno) and D2 (Brno - Bratislava) highways. Both of these highways form a part of the trans-European West – East Highway (France-Ukraine:E50) and the North-South Highways (Scandinavia - Balcans: E55 and E65).
Today, the city public transport works in Brno at a standard European level. The transport system is assured by trams, trolley buses and buses. The fare is 13 CZK (about 0.5 EUR) for 40 minutes. Official guests will benefit from free city transport services.
Host Hotel
5 star hotel, situated 200 m from finish of the race
Křížkovského 20, 603 00 Brno
Phone: +420 543 122 015 nebo 019
Fax: +420 543 246 990
E- mail: reservations@hibrno.cz
Special prize for triathletes (doubleroom): 110 EUR
Other Accommodation
situated 2 km from finish of the race
E-mail: ubytovani@dmjuventus.cz
Special prize for triathletes (per person): 10 EUR