Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Lisbon Airport (LSB)
Host Hotel
Lisbon Marriott Hotel 4**** Hotel
5 Km from nearest Airport
7 Km from the Venue
0.5 Km from Official Training Centre
*Special rates for elite athletes
Hotel reservation should be made
as soon as possible.
Please be advised that there is
a limited number of rooms and the city of Lisbon always hosts several events during April and May. This might lead to a full booking situation in this hotel as well as in others.
The welcome desk and the help services staff will be provided only
at the Official Hotel and secondary hotel (*).
Bookings and further information only available through LOC.
* Secondary Hotel available in case
of full booking at Official Host Hotel.
**No taxes or services charges will
be applied by the LOC Accomodation Department
Media and Press Hotel Available
Please contact Media Coordinator
If there are any questions
or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact the Reservations Coodinator: Sofia Rodrigues
(Portuguese and English Spoken)
Mail: dsgn.geral@gmail.com
Phone: +351 213 157 077
Fax: +351 213 147 435