Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
Antwerp (Deurne)( for UK flights); Brussels Airport ( world)
Host Hotel
www.moteldennenhof.be 3km from finish
http://www.klokkenhof.be 3km from finish
http://www.crowne-plaza.be 10km from finish
Luithagen – Haven 6
2030 Antwerpen
( +/- 8 km to finish)
Special price for European Championship only if you make reservations via: H0465-RE@accor.com
Price per room: 87 Euro/night (occupation 1 or 2 persons) including breakfast (buffet).
( +/- 22 km from finish)
Rooms for 1 or 2 people; showers and toilet per floor
25 Euro/night/person, incl. breakfast.
Reservation only via organization@triathlonbrasschaat.be
Other Accommodation
There will be a “EK” campsite! Please contact organization@triathlonbrasschaat.be for more info.