2006 Rijeka ETU Triathlon U23 and Youth European Championships

Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Krk, Local Airport (distance: 17 km or 30 min)
Zagreb, Internat. airport Pleso(distance: 186 km 120 min
Trieste (ITA), Intern. airport Ronchi(dist.: 78 km or 90 min)



From all the above airport and from the official hotel transportation provided upon request with payment
Check the official website for more details
Name of Transportation Contact: Velimir Liverić, Transportation Manager (rijecki-sportski-savez@ri.htnet.hr)

Host Hotel

Grand Hotel Adriatic
Bookings through the Organizing Committee
Contact person – Ksenija Trninic (rijecki-sportski-savez@ri.htnet.hr)
