2006 La Paz ITU Triathlon Pan American Cup

Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Trough Buenos Aires International Airport (Ezeiza), flying to Sauce Viejo Airport (Sante Fé city).


By bus:
From Buenos aires Central Bus Terminal (http://www.intertournet.com.ar/terminales/retiro.htm)
There are 6 Bus Companies with daily services to la Paz:
ETA , TATA , FLECHA BUS , NUEVA CHEVALIER , Ciudad de Posadas y Empresa Silvia
Each has more than 6 daily services to La Paz.
Some of them, like “Empresa Silvia”, has bed-seat service
Times of depatures, must be confirmed tosulted Buenos aires Central Bus Terminal.
Time of trip, between 7 and 8 hours from Buenos Aires.
Ticket cost between usd 30 and 40, to go and came.

Host Hotel

Milton Hotel, 1029 Italia St. Phone (+543437) 422232
Website: http://www.miltonhotel.com.ar
email: miltonhotel@hotmail.com

Other Accommodation

There are homestay accomodations available. Please, contact with Jorge Sarubi at La Paz Tourism Office(+543437) 421294
Email: lapazturismo@lapazcoop.com.ar

