Kelly Whitley

Athlete's Profile

United States
World Triathlon Athlete ID: 39420

Rankings & Stats

Starts 14
Podiums 4
Wins 0


All my family members have done triathlons for fun at some point in their lives, but I am the only member of my family that trains in the sport consistently. Each member of my family competes in different sports for fun. My sister, Taylor, plays college basketball at Indiana State University. The dad has had a big influence on my sporting career from the start, always suggesting that I gain a love for all kinds of sports, so that later in life I can really enjoy being active with friends. Coach Dickson and Coach Romas have had a big influence on my triathlon career up to this point.

Like my teammate Kevin McDowell, I entered a local triathlon a few minutes from my house and really enjoyed it, so I joined the team I’m on today. I’ve always liked to swim, run, and ride my bike in the neighborhood since I was very young, so the sport fit in perfectly for me.

During an average training week, I do 7.5 hours of swimming, five hours of cycling, and six hours of running.

I’ve done some local volunteer coaching for youth in my area. We also actively train with the younger athletes in Multisport Madness on a regular basis, so there is continual interaction there with developing athletes.

My favorite ITU race so far has been the Monterrey YOG qualifier. This was my first ITU race and the first time I had even been outside the U.S. I enjoyed the venue very much, especially competing against such good competition, including Mexico’s Adriana Barraza, Canada’s Christine Ridenour, and others. There were several girls deserving of this opportunity that I have to go to Singapore for the YOG.

It’s a stiff goal, but it is a dream of mine to one day represent the United States in the Olympic Games.

Outside of triathlon, I’m your average teenager. I spend a lot of time with my sisters when I’m home, I go out with my friends when I can, I attend high school sporting events, go to school, study, do homework, participate in sports at my high school. I’ve been extremely fortunate in my life to be healthy and have the support system that I have always had. I haven’t had to overcome any real obstacles in my life that many people, especially some children, face today.

Something that the triathlon world doesn’t know about me is that like my dad, I bite my nails. I’m a horrible singer.


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