Technical Officials continue to grow globally

ITU is pleased to announce that once again the number of triathlon Technical Officials has increased, totaling a rise 9% in 2016 as a direct result of the many Technical Officials (TO) seminars and courses that ITU held throughout the year across and the globe.

“The growth and development is immensely important to us as the International Federation,” said ITU President and IOC Member Marisol Casado. “That’s why we have in place a large number of sport development programs that are designed to facilitate growth at all levels, across both genders and to new areas of the world.”

In addition to the growth, the number of certified female Technical Officials rose slightly from 30% to 31%. Spain leads with the highest number of overall women TOs, followed by Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Colombia leads in gender balance, with a perfect distribution of 50% per gender with the highest participation for Level 1 Technical Officials.

Malaysia, Jordan and Trinidad and Tobago also share in the lead in gender balance within the Level 1 officials by also having an equal 50/50 representation. Malaysia, Portugal, Argentina and Uzbekistan hold the top spot on the gender equity list for ITU Level 2 Technical Officials.

Spain, Japan and China share the first three positions in terms of National Federations with the largest number of officials in all levels of certification.

Similar to last year’s results, Canada is the National Federation with the largest number of ITU Level 3 officials, which is the highest level of certification possible. Spain and Hungary follow close behind.

In the upcoming months, Bermuda, Venezuela, Portugal and Canada will host Technical Officials Level 1 seminars, while Indonesia will continue with a Level 2 seminar. Please refer to the Development calendar for the complete list of seminars and courses.
