15 athletes and 3 coaches from 6 countries gathered for 5 days camp in Manama city, Bahrain. The camp was held right after West Asia Triathlon Championships which were held on the largest scale ever with 54 athletes from West Asia eight member countries. Many young West Asian athletes showed their possibilities to grow up to be international athletes.
To enhance the development of west Asian countries, ITU and ASTC supported Bahrain Triathlon Assocation, host NF, to have Community Level TO seminar and Development camp in combination with the championships.
Through the camp, young athletes have an opportunity to learn more about recent training skills and methods from Vincent Beltran, ITU lead facilitator. “I tried my best to have young athletes figure out what they need to improve through their daily training. Therefore, we analyzed their training video together at the classroom sessions and gave athletes homework to list their weakness and what kind of drills and training can improve their weakness by reflecting their race and training. I hope West Asian coaches and athletes to combine their experience and the presented concepts for the development of excellence” Said Vicent Betran.
“This camp really guided us to the right direction. I have been curious on how international athletes are training and why they are training like that. We have trained our athletes with our experiences and knowledge adopted from the training book. This camp provides opportunities for us to plan daily training sessions and deliver training sessions and reflect our training sessions under guidance of Vicent Beltran. The process help us build the confidence of our coaching.” Said Joao Arteche, coach from UAE.