ITU Self-Funded Technical Officials Program is an opportunity where technical officials (TOs), with appropriate credentials for the level of the particular competition, may apply to serve as a technical official (TO) to further their experience and knowledge, but are required to fund all expenses incurred.
Starting from 2012, ITU will introduce an online application. TOs, who are interested in applying for this program, need to contact their national federation (NF). The NF should register the TO online for the specific event at, the same way as they do for athletes’ registration, to the program named ‘technical official’.
There are specific criteria that apply to the selection process:
There will be fifteen (15) spots available for self-funded officials for each of the events.
The registration deadline is forty five (45) days before each event.
Each TO can be selected for a maximum of three (3) ITU events per calendar year.
A TO can apply only to events in a country different from his/her own NF’s nation.
A TO, who has been approved to officiate in an event and does not attend that event, will be removed from the next event that he or she has applied to.
Technical Officials selected from this program will serve officially at the event, and will be included in the technical officials team together with other TOs from this program, those assigned by ITU, if any, and those assigned by the NF hosting the event.
TOs who attend an ITU event in a country different from his/her NF’s nation, without being officially assigned according to the ITU Technical Officials appointment policy or the ITU Self-Funded Technical Officials program, will not have their assignment registered in their profile in the ITU Technical Officials’ database.
For more information on Technical Education and Technical Officials, please click here.