The ITU Anti-doping Team would like to announce that there will be a special anti-doping educational session for paratriathletes competing in the 2010 Athlone ETU Triathlon European Championships in Ireland. ITU is happy to have Ailish Keaveney of the Irish Sports Council to present the information. This event will take place in conjunction with the paratriathlon athlete briefing and is mandatory for all athletes.
The ITU Paratriathlon Committee and the ITU Anti-doping and Sports departments are working closely to provide a number of educational sessions for paratriathletes throughout the season. Other events to have paratriathlon anti-doping education include the Dextro Energy Triathlon ITU World Championship Series in Hamburg and London and the 2010 NYC Accenture Paratriathlon National Championships. If you would like to attend one of the sessions and you are not racing in one of these events, please contact the ITU Anti-doping department.
If you have any questions or comments about ITU’s Anti-doping programme, please contact {encode=“” title=“”}