The 2019 season concluded with a great race once again in Funchal and now, as some athletes head to the four corners of the world, chasing the sunshine for races and points, others will be laying down the foundations of their winter training in preparation for the 2020 races. Whilst all this is happening, the national governing bodies of each of our Triathlon nations in Europe will be focussing on their 2020 plans, and beyond.
The ETU Executive Board is delighted to announce that one of the early highlights of the year will be the Annual Presidents' Conference and Gala Dinner will be held in Minsk. A chance for the entire ETU family to meet up, discuss plans for the future, reflect on successes from the past and to celebrate the achievements of athletes, organisers and technical officials from 2019. The biggest and best networking event of the entire triathlon calendar.
We have all seen the distinctive green uniform with that flash of red, worn by the Belarus athletes but very few of us have had the pleasure of visiting the country. That is all about to be changed, so National Federations, make a date in your diaries for February, 2020.
ETU HQ will be in contact with you all to provide the details but we have a sneak preview of the draft agenda.
- Friday 14 February: face to face meetings development (final schedule TBD by the Development committee) and Executive Board Meeting*
- Saturday 15 February: PC all day and gala in the evening
- Sunday 16 February: cultural activity
- * please contact ETU HQ to confirm timings. If your meeting is scheduled for early on Friday, you should consider travelling to Minsk on the Thursday.
For any further information, please contact the ETU Secretary General, Kathleen Smet, <>