Se llevó a cabo en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, la Asamblea General y la reunión del Comité Ejecutivo de la Asociación de Confederaciones Deportivas Panamericanas (ACODEPA).
En el lugar se hicieron presentes el presidente de Americas Triathlon, Liber García, que a su vez es vicepresidente de ACODEPA y Franklin de la Cruz, presidente de la Federación Dominicana de Triathlon, asistió como delegado.
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General Assembly of ACODEPA with the presence of Liber García president of PATCO
The General Assembly and the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association of Pan American Sports Confederations (ACODEPA) were held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Were present the president of Americas Triathlon, Liber García, who is also vice president of ACODEPA, and Franklin de la Cruz, president of the Dominican Triathlon Federation, attended as a delegate.