Zofingen will host once again the 2020 Long Distance Duathlon World Championships

by Olalla Cernuda on 04 Oct, 2019 10:21 • Español
Zofingen will host once again the 2020 Long Distance Duathlon World Championships

ITU is pleased to announce it has awarded the ITU Powerman 2020 Long Distance Duathlon World Championships to Zofingen, Switzerland, in a continuing partnership with the Powerman Association, who organises the event for the 13th consecutive year. ITU has also awarded the 2020 ITU Powerman Middle Distance Duathlon World Championships to the city of Viborg, in Denmark.

“Multisports are an integral part of our federation, and we are investing year after year in all these events to give a wider range of triathletes more opportunities to vie for world crowns,” said ITU President and IOC Member Marisol Casado. “We look forward to again partnering with Powerman to provide the highest level of competition possible for duathletes, both in the Long and Middle distance.”

The Duathlon Long Distance World Championship will be held on Spetember 20th, and will be once more the pinnacle of ITU’s long distance duathlon season. Elite duathletes will fight it out for gold over a 10km run followed by a 150km bike then a 30km run with a total prize purse of $50,000 USD on offer, equal for men and women.

Before that, on May 16th, the Danish town of Viborg will welcome once again duathletes for the Powerman Middle Distance Duathlon World Championships, for a race to be disputed over a 10km run, 60km bike and 10km last run.

Related Event: 2020 Zofingen ITU Powerman Long Distance Duathlon World Championships
20 Sep, 2020 • event pageall results
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